What is bolo bolo (fake text too)?

The term “bolo bolo” (or simply “bolo”) designates a meaningless text, most often written in Latin or Greek but also in any other language, and composed of letters at random. Such a bolo bolo text is used to reserve the space of the final text of any document in order...

What is fake text (or dummy text)?

Fake text is text that professionals in the publishing ad printing industries as well as today’s web designers frequently use to fill the space of a document. And of course fake text has no particular significance.

What is A Lorem Ipsum Generator?

A Lorem Ipsum generator is a website such a as lipsum.cafe which gives visitors the possibility of copying several randomly generated paragraphs from a fake text written in Latin.

Why Lipsum.cafe?

Lipsum.cafe is a website that is both a lorem ipsum generator and a tribute to a brilliant man from the Roman Empire: Cicero. This famous man was a statesman, a lawyer and a philosopher. He wrote numerous books and essays, one of which served as the starting point for...

What is Lipsum?

Lipsum is the abbreviation for “Lorem ipsum” and refers to the dummy text used in the layout of print and web designs.